From Lucy's societal balance sheet to now

Lightning was probably the first “inventor” of fire.
Man imitated it; he found this practical way of perfecting the tool at the end of the hand to make it out of metal … it was a great progress compared to wood combined with pebbles and leather strips. Modern society uses sparks to drive fuel engines, carbonisation to produce steel, cement…, fire to destroy forests, to heat itself…
Excessive use of carbonisation releases too much CO2, at the risk of destroying the living space of the human being; he must therefore find other alternatives. M.Fondation was born to help him do so.
The way of life of Lucy, our symbolic ancestor, was based on common sense, resourcefulness and social conventions built on the strength of men on the one hand, and women’s motherhood on the other. These functions, which initiated specialisation, have been refined over time with population growth and human intelligence enabling her to structure her social organisation. Unfortunately this social organisation is heterogeneous, subject to political, dogmatic and economic currents in today’s modernity, causing unbearable disparities in the treatment of individuals and its inherent violence, including in the world of production.
The time has come, thanks to the support of digital technology, to regulate the excesses resulting from this inequitable social organisation by giving it a reference value known as the Increase; this is the role of the C.H.A. This is the role of the C.H.A. (the Charter of Augmented Humanity) which allows power to be redistributed towards and among Human Beings.

If the Earth’s climate is subject to natural influences, the sun, volcanic eruptions, … causing climatic disturbances, population migration, changes in skin pigmentation, the corpulence of individuals, … the influence of human activity on the atmosphere, waterways, the indiscriminate removal of natural resources, excessive carbonisation, lead to a climate change dangerous for its survival.
It is therefore advisable to change paradigm by creating another ecosystem, which is the object of the Chrysalis economy acting on the economic/social couple that should make it possible to put an end to this drift by a relevant substitution.
The social upheavals whose most disastrous effect is the war between human communities are the consequence of struggles for influence, of attempts at appropriation, which dialogue and common sense must make it possible to regulate. Democracy is a technical support often perverted by greed and personal ambition. It should therefore be made fundamental, sacred and unavoidable.
The Chrysalis economy unfolds in the recognition of this Augmented Democracy whose cross-border reference is the C.H.A. (extract from the book “de Lucy à Lucy Augmentée du Désir Durable” to be published soon).

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