Fundamental levers

Prioritising R&D
The Human being is a builder; he does not set limits to his implantation. He develops technologies to build on earth, in space, on the moon, etc…
The material is indispensable; unfortunately the way of its production by carbonization has perverse effects on the evolution of the climate. M.Fondation accompanies the innovations of substitution and corrective breakthroughs such as the invention of the “Minéalithe” that you can discover in the site “la Minealithe Vallée”. It is necessary to imagine sustainable materials, recyclable without creating pollution which can be generated without destroying the planetary ecosystem. Mimicry appears as a strategic source of inspiration.
2-Effluent treatment
In the course of their production and consumption activities, individuals produce waste that is no longer part of the natural cycle of life, but rather pollution that becomes unbearable and dangerous, such as that of the oceans by plastics, of the water table by fertilisers, liquid manure, water by industry, etc…
The legal constraint of the “ecocide” law should make it possible to make the individual responsible by constraint; but the objective is to avoid this pollution by a clean product design upstream, and downstream by the treatment of polluted liquids. The liquid/solid separation solution proposed by M.Fondation is a relevant solution which should eventually allow a looped use of domestic and industrial water, ecological desalination of sea water in order to supply populations with fresh water rather than playing the sorcerer’s apprentice by wanting to act on the atmosphere according to an ongoing Chinese practice. This purification applies to other liquids and industrial activities before their discharge into the natural environment.

3-Energy and storage
The progress made in the production of soft energy is relevant. However, there is still one stumbling block: the storage of electricity in batteries, as these batteries consume rare and expensive materials that are difficult to recycle. It is therefore advisable to propose an ecological alternative that M.Fondation supports.
Resetting the serenpidity-generating proximity invention
It is by going off the beaten track that one arrives at disruptive discovery; the Human Being is extraordinarily creative; this fecundity does not only exist in the brains of the laboratory occupants. It is to deprive oneself of a precious resource not to support the idea put forward by the person in the workshop, in the kitchen … such as the ANVAR solution allowed, a solution imagined and promoted by Claude Lasry.
But the budget distributed to the inventor of proximity (wrongly called by the incultus of “Geotrouvetout”) has whetted the appetites of the “big accounts”, of laboratories, to the point of making the principle of swarming disappear in favour of a generous support to fields of activity leaving on the side of the road fundamental innovations such as those quoted previously and supported by M.Fondation. This is not only a failure of the political world but also a serious fault towards the community of Human Beings.