An investment strategy

An investment strategy

Innovative financial tool according to a revisited macroeconomics: from the e.Ecu

The life of the human being is punctuated by exchange, oral, physical like the barter that preceded the formalization of a transaction standard: money. The form of money has evolved from a solid format, like a stone, to a digital one. Nations have created so-called sovereign currencies, because they belong to their States and are used in a regulated manner; gradually, local paper and digital currencies are appearing, such as crypto-currencies, but also speculative media such as Bitcoin, and this is the problem. In this way, money has become a commodity that can be exchanged, whose value fluctuates, subject to financial stakes that end up in crashes with the effect of creating misery (read the press article on GameStop).

M.Fondation proposes to revisit the strategic function of the transaction medium in the life of the individual through the birth of an alternative, the “e.Ecu” calibrated on an intangible, non-speculative reference, the average international GDP allowing in particular, in one of its serial uses, to engage an investment strategy, under reference of the philosophy of the C.H.A., protecting it from cupitalism in order to give back dignity to the Human Being where it is scorned, sometimes reducing it to the state of a slave ant. This tool, which has a legal bridge with sovereign currencies, is probably an effective support for development, including for poor countries, which has the effect of breaking down tensions between nations by restoring hope (You can read about the e.Ecu and its uses in the forthcoming book “de Lucy à Lucy Augmentée, ou du Désir Durable”).

Distribution of resources revisited; PO.Bank

The ECB, like other central banks, creates and distributes money to support the economy, including by supporting value-added investment through various transport channels that resemble the pipelines that the poor drill to take a little fuel at the risk of being blown up, and which are diverted by privileges.

The Foundation proposes that the investment currency issued by nations and groups of states, such as Europe, should be in the form of the e.Ecui (the e.Ecu Investment), which cannot be diverted from its purpose by the means of distribution that are the tools of financial and banking services. The e.Ecui will end up where it is intended: the company’s balance sheet (see the conditions of its use and its positive effects in Lucy’s book). M.Fondation being a concrete actor, is launching the creation of PO.Banque backed by the e.Ecu, after having set up PO.FI (PO.Finance), an ethical investment tool designed to increase the source of innovation entering the field of sustainable economy.

Internationalisation of R&D, the common good of Humanity

The population of planet Earth, a small star among, perhaps, billions of asteroids, by cowering in communities that are victims of the “affection of the throne” of some of its members, is harming itself by not pooling its resources. It only tries to do so when it is forced and coerced to do so, when the danger is global, as in the case of the covid 19 virus. But selfishness and “business” quickly take precedence over good intentions. M.Fondation intends to work so that the fundamental needs, under the aegis of the C.H.A., benefit everyone from mutualised investments while maintaining creative competition; competition can be healthy. Health and food are obviously common goods (CF Lucy’s proposal …).